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Imagine if the files, processes, and events in your entire network of Windows, MacOS, and Linux endpoints were recorded in a database in real time. Finding malicious processes, software vulnerabilities, and other evil artifacts would be as easy as asking the database. That’s the power of OSquery, a Facebook open source project that makes sifting through system and process information to uncover security issues as simple as writing a SQL query.
Facebook ported OSquery to Windows in 2016, finally letting administrators use the powerful open source endpoint security tool on all three major platforms. On each Linux, MacOS, and Windows system, OSquery creates various tables containing operating system information such as running processes, loaded kernel modules, open network connections, browser plugins, hardware events, and file hashes. When administrators need answers, they can ask the infrastructure.
The query language is SQL-like. For example, the following query will return malicious processes kicked off by malware that has deleted itself from disk:
SELECT name, path, pid FROM processes WHERE on_disk = 0;
This ability has been available to Linux and MacOS administrators since 2014 —Windows administrators are only now coming to the table.
Porting OSquery from Linux to Windows was no easy feat. Some creative engineering was needed to overcome certain technical challenges, such as reimplementing the processes table so that existing Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) functionality could be used to retrieve the list of running processes. (Trail of Bits, a security consultancy that worked on the project, shares the details in its blog.)
Administrators don’t need to rely on complicated manual steps to perform incident response, diagnose systems operations problems, and handle security maintenance for Windows systems. With OSquery, it’s all in the database.
— Fahmida Y. Rashid
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Source: InfoWorld Big Data