
  • 5 foolish reasons you’re not using Heroku

    5 foolish reasons you’re not using Heroku When I tell other CTOs and engineers that we rely heavily on Heroku to run our business, they invariably have the same reaction: Why? Why not AWS? Are you joking? Have you heard of Google Cloud? Are you an idiot? This happens without fail. With. Out. Fail. The […]

  • It’s hangover time for enterprise cloud computing

    It’s hangover time for enterprise cloud computing Now that enterprises have done serious work in the cloud, they’re a bit unhappy with their cloud technology providers. It turns out that migrations are not so easy, and service levels aren’t what they expect. According to a recent report by 451 Research, three quarters of organizations are […]

  • Google App Engine adds support for Java 8

    Google App Engine adds support for Java 8 Google has made the Java 8 runtime generally available on App Engine, the Google Cloud Platform’s development platform service. Google said the upgrade removes performance limitations Java developers have had to deal with when using the Java 7 runtime. Java 7 remains a supported option.  “Unfortunately, using […]

  • IDG Contributor Network: If you don't make a reservation, you're going to need to tip the maître d'

    IDG Contributor Network: If you don't make a reservation, you're going to need to tip the maître d' The pricing models for compute resources in the cloud can be complicated. Some (but not all) variations include the following: On-demand instances Reserved/prepaid capacity Spot instances Dedicated instances On-demand pricing is pretty straightforward: for every hour that […]

  • Bossie Awards 2017: The best databases and analytics tools

    Bossie Awards 2017: The best databases and analytics tools CockroachDB is a cloud-native SQL database for building global, scalable cloud services that survive disasters. Built on a transactional and strongly consistent key-value store, CockroachDB scales horizontally, survives disk, machine, rack, and even datacenter failures with minimal latency disruption and no manual intervention, supports strongly consistent […]

  • Bossies 2017: The Best of Open Source Software Awards

    Bossies 2017: The Best of Open Source Software Awards Open source software isn’t what it used to be. The term used to conjure images of the lone developer, working into the night and through weekends, banging out line after line of code to scratch a personal itch or realize a personal vision. But with each […]

  • Bossie Awards 2017: The best machine learning tools

    Bossie Awards 2017: The best machine learning tools Core ML is Apple’s framework for integrating trained machine learning models into an iOS or MacOS app. Core ML supports Apple’s Vision framework for image analysis, Foundation framework for natural language processing, and GameplayKit framework for evaluating learned decision trees. Currently, Core ML cannot train models itself, […]

  • IDG Contributor Network: Using big data to improve customer experience and financial results

    IDG Contributor Network: Using big data to improve customer experience and financial results Technology provides businesses across all industries with tools and capabilities that optimize operations in order to maximize revenue and minimize waste. Many industries now have access to up-to-date information on customer experience, product acceptance, and financial transactions. Organizations no longer have to […]

  • IDG Contributor Network: Ensuring big data and fast data performance with in-memory computing

    IDG Contributor Network: Ensuring big data and fast data performance with in-memory computing In-memory computing (IMC) technologies have been available for years. However, until recently, the cost of memory made IMC impractical for all but the most performance-critical, high value applications. Over the last few years, however, with memory prices falling and demand for high […]