DEFINITION of client server

Client/server describes the relationship between two computer programs in which one program, the client, makes a service request from another program, the server, which fulfills the request. Although the client/server idea can be used by programs within a single computer, it is a more important idea in a network.

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DEFINITION of cipher

A cipher (pronounced SAI-fuhr) is any method of encrypting text (concealing its readability and meaning). It is also sometimes used to refer to the encrypted text message itself although here the term cipertext
is preferred. Its origin is the Arabic sifr, meaning empty orzero. In addition to the cryptographic meaning, cipher

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DEFINITION of carrier network

A carrier network is the proprietary network infrastructure belonging to a telecommunications service provider such as Verizon, AT&T or Sprint. Telecom carriers are authorized by regulatory agencies to operate telecommunications systems. Carrier networks are made up of large, complex configurations of hardware, interconnected to provide communications services to people spread over large geographic areas.

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In a computer or on a network, a bus is a transmission path on which signals are dropped off or picked up at every device attached to the line. Only devices addressed by the signals pay attention to them; the others discard the signals. According to Winn L. Rosch, the term derives from its similarity to autobuses that stop at every town or block to drop off or take on riders

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DEFINITION of bus network

A bus network is an arrangement in a local area network (LAN) in which each node(workstation or other device) is connected to a main cable or link called the bus. The illustration shows a bus network with five nodes. Each node is shown as a sphere, the bus appears as a heavy horizontal line, and connections to the bus appear as vertical lines.

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