RPM stands for Red Hat Packet Manager. It is a package management system in all Red Hat based Operating System (RHEL/CentOS/Scientific Linux). In RPM known file format .rpm is used. rpm.org community is involve in maintenance and development of RPM.
We will use rpm command with some options to find date-stamp information of installed package.
(1) List all rpm package with date and time information
Use the below given command to list all rpm package with date-stamp information
# rpm -qa –last
(2) Show installed date and time of single package
To obtain the installed date and time information from single package.We have two commands
Command 1:
The below given command will show only Date,time and time zone when the rpm package was installed.
#rpm -q –last package-name
Command 2:
With below given command, it will show some more useful description.
#rpm -qi package-name