When a URL specifying only a directory is requested …
eg.: http://www.domain.com/directory/
Initially, Apache looks for file names by default (in the order they appear):
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InetServices offers both Windows and Linux bare metal server hosting, and cloud server hosting for any small to medium size business. We also offer both PCI and HIPAA Compliant servers allowing you to achieve PCI or HIPAA Compliance without all the worries of figuring it out. InetServices offers much more than just dedicated servers and cloud servers, we offer you a complete solution to your hosting needs including Big Data, Disaster Recovery, and High Availability services.
When a URL specifying only a directory is requested …
eg.: http://www.domain.com/directory/
Initially, Apache looks for file names by default (in the order they appear):
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You can also check and monitor Apache server’s current status on the web page without using log files. Modify httpd.conf file and add the following code into it:
ExtendedStatus On
<Location /server-status>
SetHandler server-status
Deny from all
Order deny,allow
Allow from localhost 192.168,1,56
Allow from .anotherdomain.com
If you find the error messages in /etc/httpd/logs/error_log as follows :-
[Tue Mar 28 04:29:42 2006] [notice] child pid 24546 exit signal File size
limit exceeded (25)
This means that you have a log file that is greater than 2GB in size.
Please refer the following steps:
1. Login to your server as root.
2. Open up /etc/init.d/httpd using your favorite editor
LiteSpeed Web Server is the leading high-performance, high-scalability web server from Litespeed technologies. It can be used to replace an existing Apache server without changing any other programs or operating system details, and without breaking anything. As such, LiteSpeed Web Server can quickly replace a major bottleneck in your existing web hosting platform. With its comprehensive range of features and easy-to-use web administration console, LiteSpeed Web Server can help you conquer the challenges of deploying an effective web hosting infrastructure.
To generate your CSR, you will need to log in to your server and use the OpenSSL software to generate a CSR and private key.
openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -sha1 -keyout myserver.key -out server.csr
Apache’s mod_userdir allows users to view their sites by entering a tilde(~) and their username as the uri on a specific host. For example http://test.cpanel.net/~fred/ will bring up the user fred’s domain. The disadvantage of this feature is that any bandwidth usage used by this site will be put on the domain it is accessed under (in this
To disable TRACE in cPanel (Version 11.24.4):
1.Access your Web Hosting Manager (WHM)
2.Under Service Configuration, click the link for Apache Configuration
How to Find Apache Web Server Syntax Error
Executing the following command, that will detect syntax errors:
In linux/unix enviroment, Apache is the most widely used web server on dedicated or cloud servers.
Here are few common errors one might get and what they could mean: