Hard links and soft link is an important concept in the Linux file system, which relates to the index node in the file system (inode). Inode is one of the four basic concepts in Linux virtual file system (VFS). Through the analysis of the relation and the difference between hard links and soft links, we can better understand Linux VFS.
What is domain parking and subdomain
Domain parking is pointing one domain to another so it loads the same content. This is generally done if you have many different TDLs of the same domain name (domain.com, domain.net, domain.org) parked on top of the main domain.
How to import a sql file into mySQL in linux
Login as root, typing the command below.
#mysql databasename -u databaseuser -p databasepassword < database.sql
Running process with Modified priority by nice command
Use nice command to run a program with modified scheduling priority / nicenesses. Nicenesses range at least from -20 (resulting in the most favorable scheduling) through 19 (the least favorable). The default behavior is to increase the niceness by 10.
Command to view the php configure in Linux
Login as root, use below command to view php configure:
# php -i |grep Configure
How to find out total size of a directory in Linux
Login as root, type the below command:
[root@server1 ~]# du -sh /etc/
43M /etc/
Replace /etc/ with the directory you wish to view.
How to flash Exim queue in Linux
Login as root user and issue the command below:
#exim -qff
Set execute permission to run a scipt on Linux
For a script to run make sure it has execute permission. The below command will add execute permission to a file:
chmod +x filename
How to display last logins in Linux
How to finding the largest files / directories on Linux
Login to server by SSH, use following command replacing /test for the directory you wish to search through.
# du -ha /test | sort -n -r | head -n 10