Red Hat Network (RHN) can be configured to provide automatic updates to specific systems via the website. Once a system is configured to be automatically updated, it will download and install all relevant errata when it connects to RHN. The system will not install packages which are listed in that system’s package skip list.
How to set up SquirrelMail in CentOS/RHEL
SquirrelMail is an open source standards-based webmail package written in PHP. When installed, SquirrelMail is ready out of the box. All it needs is an installed web server like Apache, SMTP server like Postfix, and IMAP server like Dovecot.
How to enable XDMCP in Red Hat Enterprise Linux
X Window System is the display and networking protocol developed by MIT. The X is built with network in mind with the capability to run a (graphical) session on a remote computer. In it, an X Display Manager is used to start a session from a local system or from another computer. The request and the start of the session is handled by the XDMCP, which stands for “X Display Manager Control Protocol” and is a network protocol.
How to Install EPEL Repository in CentOS 5/6/RHEL
EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) is a third party RPM repository for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS.
Here are the steps to add the EPEL repository in Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS 5 or 6:
How to skip or disable fsck on the next boot
To stop a FSCK from prompting or running automatically when rebooting server:
Bypass a fsck using shutdown command
When rebooting the server use the following command
OpenSSL Heartbleed Vulnerability
The bug afflicts version 1.0.1 and 1.0.2-beta releases of OpenSSL, server software that ships with many versions of Linux and is used in popular Web servers, according to the OpenSSL project’s advisory on Monday night.
Creating a Partition over 2tb on your Dedicated / Cloud Server
Log into SSH on your dedicated or cloud server.
Finding out device name and size of disk you going to work with, run the fdisk –l command.
# fdisk –l
Uninstall something in linux on my dedicated / cloud server
How to Uninstall Something in Linux on my Dedicated / Cloud Server
In the example below, we will uninstall apache.
Find out when a users last logged onto my Linux Dedicated / Cloud Server
Linux use the following two files to keep track of user login sessions:
a] /var/run/utmp – List of current login sessions.
b] /var/log/wtmp – List of previous login sessions.
c] /var/log/btmp – List all the bad login attempt.
Using dedicated heartbeat interface in cluster nodes in RHEL
Many administrators prefer to set up a second, dedicated interface on their clustered systems for the heartbeat service. This is generally a good idea, especially if the primary network interface has a lot of traffic.