The Red Hat Software Collection perl516 contains only a part of the packages which are packed in RHEL or Fedora. It is not hard to add a new package to RHSCL. The following steps show how to convert a conventional spec file into a Software Collection spec file. The SCL spec file can be used in both the conventional package and the Software Collection.
How to Remove a folder and content in Linux
Log into SSH on your dedicated or cloud server.
You can simply run the rm –rf (directory) command.
# rm –rf foldername
How to apply package updates on RHEL
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and later
Before installing an update, make sure all previously released errata relevant to the system have been applied.
To access updates when using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, launch the graphical update tool through Applications -> System Tools -> Software Updater, or from the command line via the following command:
Apply Package Updates Using RHN Classic
Systems must be registered before updates from RHN can be applied. This can be done via System -> Administration -> Software Update and in earlier versions via Applications -> System Tools -> Software Updater. It can also be accessed via the command line by using the “rhn_register” command. Registration requires local root access and a valid RHN login that has an unused Update or Management entitlement for the new system you want to register.
Find all Hidden Directories in my Linux Dedicated / Cloud Server
Log into SSH on your dedicated or cloud server.
# find / -name type d -name “.*” -print0
How to Mount a Filesystem with a Delay After a Reboot
All systems get rebooted at the same time, and network filesystems must wait for the servers to be available.
This can take more than 5 to 10 minutes, so the server boot process cannot be delayed that long and an alternative solution is desired.
Create and Delete Group in CentOS/Red Hat
Command to create and delete group in Red Hat and CentOS linux
To create new group ,use given below command
# groupadd groupname
Show User Account Password Expiration
To get details of user account show account aging, password expiration ,we use the command chage.
With chage command use the option -l or –list.
Squid Service Start/Restart in CentOS
Log into SSH on your dedicated or cloud server.
Start the Squid service
#/etc/init.d/squid start
Find Installation Date and Time of RPM Package
RPM stands for Red Hat Packet Manager. It is a package management system in all Red Hat based Operating System (RHEL/CentOS/Scientific Linux). In RPM known file format .rpm is used. community is involve in maintenance and development of RPM.