dig (domain information groper) is a network administration command-line tool for querying Domain Name System (DNS) name servers.
How to install JAVA JDK7 in CentOS 6
How to Create FTP accouts in DirectAdmin
To create FTP accounts, first click on the “FTP Menu” icon in the main control panel screen.
First, select a FTP username. In the above example, we chose “test.” Next, enter a password. Then, select the access level of the FTP account.
How to install DirectAdmin in CentOS
DirectAdmin is a graphical web-based web hosting control panel designed to make administration of websites easier.
Login as root.
Changing the server hostname in Plesk
1. Go to Settings, then click Server Settings
2. Enter the new hostname
3. You can change statistic and disk space settings here. Click OK
Managing IP addresses in Plesk
1. Go to Tools & Utilities. And then IP Addresses
2. Here you can add/remove IP addresses, change from Shared or Dedicated, and set their default SSL certificates and domains
Logging into Plesk as an administrator
1. Open up a web browser and go to https://IPAddress:8443
2. Enter your administrator username and password
You are now log in as administrator. Be sure to log off when you are done to prevent any unnecessary access.
Configuring and managing database servers in Plesk
1. Go to Tools & Utilities, then Database Servers
2. Let’s take a look at Settings
3. These settings affect the databases Plesk creates on any of your database servers. Add a username and an
Managing scheduled tasks in Plesk
1. Go to Tools & Utilities
2. Click Scheduled Tasks
3. Here we can see all the system users. Most tasks you’ll create will be for the root user
Setting up email notifications in Plesk
1. Go to Settings
2. Click Notifications
3. For each event, choose who should receive an email.